AERA will recognize 15 AERA award recipients for their scholarly achievements at the AERA Awards Presentation, which begins at 4:05 p.m. on Sunday, April 15, in the Vancouver Convention Centre. AERA President Arnetha F. Ball will cap the event with her presidential address, “To Know Is Not Enough: Knowledge, Power, and the Zone of Generativity.”
Guadalupe Valdés, linguistics scholar and expert on Spanish-English bilingualism, will receive the Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award from AERA. The award is given annually to acknowledge outstanding achievement and success in education research and is the highest honor bestowed by AERA. Valdés is the Bonnie Katz Tenenbaum Professor of Education at Stanford University.
Alfredo J. Artiles, of Arizona State University, will receive the Palmer O. Johnson Memorial Award, which acknowledges the highest quality of academic scholarship published in designated AERA journals during the preceding (2011) volume year: American Educational Research Journal, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Researcher, or Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. AERA will recognize Artiles for his article “Toward an Interdisciplinary Understanding of Educational Equity and Difference: The Case of the Racialization of Ability,” in Educational Researcher, 40(9), 431–445.
David Scott Yeager and Gregory Mariotti Walton, both of Stanford University, will receive the Review of Research Award for their article “Social-Psychological Interventions in Education: They’re Not Magic,” in Review of Educational Research, 81(2), 267–301. The award recognizes an outstanding review of research article appearing in one of AERA’s review journals during the 2011 volume year.
The AERA Relating Research to Practice Awards recognize outstanding contributions that individuals have made toward increasing practitioner and lay understanding of education research. Perry A. Zirkel, of Lehigh University, will be the recipient of this award for Interpretive Scholarship, and Megan L. Franke, of the University of California–Los Angeles, will receive the award for Professional Service.
Edward H. Haertel, of Stanford University, will receive the E. F. Lindquist Award, which recognizes a distinguished scholar for outstanding research in the field of testing and measurement. The award is cosponsored by AERA and ACT Inc.
Maisha T. Winn, of Emory University, is recognized with the Early Career Award, which acknowledges a scholar’s distinguished portfolio of cumulative education research within the first decade after receiving a doctoral degree.
The Outstanding Book Award will go to Valerie Kinloch for Harlem on Our Minds: Place, Race, and the Literacies of Urban Youth (Teachers College Press).
Daniel G. Solorzano, of the University of California–Los Angeles, will receive the Social Justice in Education Award, honoring an individual’s outstanding commitment to the advancement of social justice through education research. Solorzano will deliver the associated award lecture, entitled “The Role of Critical Race Theory in the Struggle for Social Justice,” on Friday at 7:30 p.m.
Jerry D. Weast, retired from the Montgomery County (MD) Public Schools, will receive the AERA Distinguished Public Service Award for exceptional use of education research and statistics in shaping policy and sustained support for improving the quality of those disciplines. Weast will deliver his associated lecture, “Gateways to Excellence, Pathways to Equity,” on Sunday at 10:35 a.m.
Cynthia B. Dillard, of the University of Georgia, will receive the Distinguished Contributions to Gender Equity in Education Research Award, which is given in recognition of distinguished research, professional practice, and activities that advance public understanding of gender and/or sexuality in the education community.
The Committee on Scholars of Color in Education Awards recognize scholars in various stages in their careers who have contributed significantly to the understanding of issues that disproportionately affect minority populations, and minority scholars who have made a significant contribution to education research and development. The three awards are the 2012 Distinguished Career Contribution Award, which will go to Celia S. Genishi (Teachers College, Columbia University), the 2012 Distinguished Scholar Award, to go to Christine Jean Yeh (University of San Francisco), and the 2012 Early Career Contribution Award Recipient, to be received by Brendesha M. Tynes (University of Southern California).
AERA President Arnetha F. Ball will also award three presidential citations for contributions to education research to Kofi Lomotey (American Association of State Colleges and Universities), Cynthia A. Tyson (The Ohio State University), and Rick R. McCown (Duquesne University).