Teaching & Teacher Education (K)
Teaching & Teacher Education (K)
How to AERA 2025: Denver 2025

We are happy to share that How to AERA: Denver 2025 is happening in collaboration with Divisions E, J, and K! This webinar is designed to help attendees navigate Denver beyond the conference and develop effective networking strategies. The session will provide practical advice from experienced scholars to enhance your AERA experience.

  • Date: March 7th 
  • Time: 2 pm-3 pm ET

This session will not be recorded to facilitate a more open conversation. We will be taking notes to include in a digital guidebook, along with other information like resources and events, to support your journey and experience at AERA this year.

Click the link to register, and please feel free to share with your cohorts, colleagues, and anyone interested in learning more. AERA Denver 2025

AERA - 2025, Div K Pre-Conference Seminar Applications

We are excited to announce the AERA 2025 Division K Pre-Conference Seminars! This FREE event can accommodate up to 30 participants in each seminar, so we highly encourage you to apply for a seminar that addresses your career stage and interests! Applications are due Feb 21 by 11:59 pm PST.


Div K Pre Sem-2

Translating Research to Practice-Oriented Pieces - Feb 26

Division K Feb Flyer FINAL (1)

2025 - Division K Wellness Event

Join Division K for our wellness event, "Fostering whole lives: Engaging with community to build holistic and intentional lives in grad school" on Friday, January 24th at 1 pm EST (12 pm CST / 10 am PST). Scan the QR code to register or use this link.

Final AERA DivK Wellness Flyer (1)

Join our Spring 2025 Writing Group!

Need to get some writing done? Let’s do it together! Join the Division K Spring 2025 Virtual Writing Group, Mondays & Tuesdays January through April 15 from 9 AM – 12 PM ET  (8 AM – 11 AM CT). This group is free to join  utexas.zoom.us/j/98857944739

Div K Spring 2025 Writing Group [Picture]

Thank You for Joining our Academic Job Market Discussion!
Many thanks to our ✨amazing panelists✨ Dr. Catherine Reigle-Crumb, Dr. Xin Li, and Dr. Rebecca C. Christ along with our 120+ attendees who joined AERA Division E and AERA Division K in Demystifying the Academic Job Market, Part 2! 

Thank you - Demystifying the Academic Job Market for Graduate Students - PART 2

Demystifying the Academic Job Market - PART TWO

Demystifying the Academic Job Market for Graduate Students - PART 2-4

Spring 2025 Division K Writing Group

Spring writing group (2)

Navigating the Hidden Curriculum of Publishing

publishing webinar (1)

Introducing our Division K Campus Liaisons!
Campus Liaisons connect with campus communities and collaborate with the Community Building Committee to create programming that supports grad students’ professional and academic growth.

202425 Division K Campus Liaisons

An evening with... Humans Who Teach

humans who teac h-2

Demystifying the Academic Job Market

Thank you to all of our 100+ participants who attended our first series in discussing the academic job market. Stay tuned for Part 2 coming soon! 

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Meet our 24/25 Graduate Student Team

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Fall 2024 Virtual Writing Group

Div K Fall 2024 Writing Group

Call for Campus Liaisons for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Call for Campus Liaisons Div K_2024-2025 (1)

Mastering Conference Proposals

Mastering Conference Proposals-5

Maintaining Connections after the Annual Conference

Leaping Into Community - Thursday Feb. 29, 2024


Our Campus Liaisons will host Leaping into Community to explore community healing through testimonios, the power of pláticas, and community research as social justice praxis. Join us this Thursday, February 29th, 11am-12pm PST/ 1pm-2pm CST/ 2pm-3pm EST

Click here to register now: https://txstate.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtcOmorjouG9JH0lE7j3oJvt9Qs1CtBFKr#/registration

How to AERA: Philadelphia 2024 - Mar. 12, 2024


We are also be hosting along with Division B this year's How to AERA: Philadelphia 2024, on behalf of the Graduate Student Council.  Join us to discuss the hidden curriculum of AERA, and other tips, reminders, and experiences with Dr. James Earl Davis of Temple University, Dr. Camika Royal of Morgan State University, Dr. Boni Fernandes Wozolek of Penn State Abington, and Dr. Gerald Campano of University of Pennsylvania. This event will be on Tuesday, March 12 at 12pm - 1pm PST/ 2pm - 3pm CST/ 3pm - 4pm EST.

Click here to register now: https://teacherscollege.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hWwELJg7SDWzflVl3Xbaug


Click here to access the Digital Guidebook

Dissertation Proposal Writing Workshop - Thursday Jan. 25, 2024

We are kicking off the New Year by getting down to business. Join us for our “Dissertation Proposal Writing Workshop” hosted by the Campus Liaisons, this Thursday, January 25th, 7 pm - 8 pm EST / 6 pm - 7 pm CST/ 4 pm - 5 pm PST.

Dissertation Proposal Writing Workshop this THURSDAY Jan.25

Click here to register:
Wellness Event: Reframing Our Understanding of Rest, Rejuvenation, and Refusal - Wednesday Dec. 6, 2023

Reframing Our Understanding of Rest, Rejuvenation, and Refusal

Dissertation Proposal Writing Workshop - Jan. 25, 2023
Virtual Workshop: Hidden Curriculum Around Publishing - Wednesday Nov. 8, 2023

Hidden Curriculum Publishing Virtual Flyer

Strategies for Navigating the Academic Job Market - Friday Nov. 10, 2023


Friday November 10th at 12pm PT/ 2pm CT/ 3pm EST, the Professional Development Committee will be hosting “Strategies for Navigating the Academic Job Market” featuring Dr. Danielle Mireles from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and Dr. Suneal Kolluri from the University of California, Riverside. Join us in learning the ins and outs, considerations and musts when it comes to applying for jobs in academia.

Click here to register:

Fall 2023 Graduate Writing Workshop
Division K Campus Liaisons 2023 -2023

Div K Campus Liaison Shout Out

Resisting Racism and Reclaiming Education: Oct. 11, 2023

Dr. Rita Kohli Oct 11 638321193239922694

Call for Campus Liasons

Call for Campus Liaisons

Join us for “The Proposal Playbook: Strategies and Secrets Revealed” Webinar this Friday

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Division VP

Dear Division K Members,

It is a true honor to serve as Vice President of AERA’s Division K. As I start my tenure, I recommit to the much-needed work and movement toward a more just future. To do so, I believe that we need to re-envision the required transformations in our field to be more than practices of personal resistance. Instead, transformation demands the collective, purposeful, and proactive centering of the voices, values, practices, epistemologies, and paradigms of Black, Indigenous, and other people of Color. Only then may we start to undertake the much-needed work and provision of collective liberation. 

Our field is at a crossroads. COVID-19 made it impossible to ignore inequities and harms in schooling, yet the discourse has quickly shifted from reimagining schooling to repairing and remediating what has been called the “learning loss.” These reparative narratives of crises and racial capitalistic paradigms pathologically shape teaching and teacher education. It is in times like this when we don’t know what to do or how to deal with our anger, fear, and the sense of uncertainty, that the field can benefit from being guided by what Savannah Shange called “a North Star logic” in the book Progressive Dystopia: Abolition, Antiblackness, and Schooling in San Francisco (2019). A North Star logic is predicated on designing, envisioning, and bringing to life futures that do not yet exist and in most cases, have never existed. 

This means that as a field, we must firmly reject tendencies to continue to do what is expected and respected as established research agendas, policies, and practices in teaching and teacher education. Collectively, we need to focus on the potentiality of teaching and teacher education. Now, let’s not be naïve; no focus on potentiality is without obstacles. There has been and will continue to be the kind of resistance and “friction produced in the encounter between racialized futures and pasts” (Shange, 2019, p. 65). The days of teaching and teacher education research, policies, and practices centered on whiteness are far from gone. As a field, we can no longer ignore the harm teaching, and teacher education has inflicted. 

To address and repair such harm, as a collective, we must enact robust commitments towards racial justice, social transformation, and truly just teaching and teacher education. Despite frictions and tensions between the past and future, the future of teaching and teacher education must be marked by a movement toward freedom and emancipation as a matter of justice. I am committed to expanding the stories, ways, and systems of knowing, perspectives, paradigms, and experiences delineating research, policy, and practice in teaching and teacher education. 

This expansion and revisioning is necessary if we are to bring closure to a past (and present) of oppression and envision futures of possibility. If we want to imagine possible futures in the pursuit of justice, we need to recognize that there is more expertise distributed across professions than in any one profession. That is, even if teacher educators have more advanced degrees than teachers, we must commit to prioritizing the voices, values, and perspectives of teachers—especially those historically marginalized and minoritized—to forge a future of potentialities. 

Christine Sleeter, among others, has long documented as the overwhelming whiteness of teaching and teacher education and its problematics. It is essential that we learn from and with the stories of potentiality being brought to life day in and day out by Black, Indigenous, and other communities of Color who have been divested and harmed by teaching and teacher education research, policies, and practices over time. We must attend to the pervasiveness of intersectional systems of oppression in teaching and teacher education. This means learning from teachers and teacher educators in countries typically excluded or marginalized in teaching and teacher education scholarship, deliberately moving beyond the longstanding focus on Anglophone countries. Importantly, a North Star logic can guide us to abolish imposed borders and conditions that exclude and “other” the individuals and communities most harmed in and by teaching and teacher education globally. 

This requires embracing approaches to teaching and learning that honor, cultivate, extend, and sustain multiple ways to read, write, talk, and more broadly communicate the brilliance of Black children, Indigenous communities’ epistemologies and ontologies, the sophistication of multilingual children, and so much more. As Division K (re)commits to bringing teachers and teacher educators together across sociopolitical borders and professional fields in the pursuit of justice, my hope is that we can forge a powerful collective that can disrupt the status quo while reimagining our professional priorities in ways that are answerable to Black, Indigenous, and other communities of Color. Although we have a lot of work ahead of us, I want to reaffirm my steadfast commitment to more equitable and just futures in teaching and teacher education. Yet, I want to underscore that this is not “other people’s work.” It is everyone’s work. As part of the teaching and teacher education profession, as a collective, we must work toward, embody, and enact the transformation we hope to see. 

I—along with Program Co-Chairs Drs. Mildred Boveda and Tia Madkins and the community serving Division K (see below image)—am energized, hopeful, and ready to work together with you. 

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Together, let’s ensure that teaching and teacher education—research, policy, practice—move toward a more just and transformative future. It is up to us!

As always, committed to the pursuit of justice,

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Mariana Souto-Manning, Ph.D.

Vice-President, AERA Division K (2022-2025)

President, Erikson Institute

Twitter: @SoutoManning

What Are We Unlearning in 2023?

What Are We Unlearning in 2023? 

Come out for fun and camaraderie at our third Division K Campus Liaison event of the year. Did you make a vision board or set goals for 2023? Do you believe you're making headway toward your goals for this year? That's fantastic if you have. It's also okay if you have not. Our plates are full as graduate students, but we must fill them with sustenance. We will play, connect, and get grounded in the community during this session. See you there!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 5-6 PM EST/ 2-3 PM PST/ 4-5 PM CST

All Division K members and graduate students

Registration link: Please click the link to register.

Div K Unlearning

Dissertation Support: Feb. 16th

Done Dissertation invites you to join a panel discussion on the impact of mental health on the dissertation writing process. The panel will consist of mental health experts who will share their insights and experiences on navigating the challenges of the dissertation process while balancing life and mental health. 

We believe this will be a valuable opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to learn more about this important topic and to gain a better understanding of how to support one another during the dissertation writing process.


The panel will be held virtually on Feb 16, 2023 from 8pm - 9pm ET.   


Registration Link: www.dissertationwebinar.com

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AERA Graduate Student Pre-Conference


Graduate Student Pre-Conference Seminar  

Wednesday, April 12, 2023. Final dates will be confirmed in late February 2023.   

The deadline for all applications is February 7, 2022, 11:59 PM PST.  Graduate Student Pre-Conference Seminar 

This seminar focuses on developing graduate students’ understandings of their emerging roles as teacher educators who engage in educational research leading to changes in teaching and teacher education theory and practice. It also allows opportunities for participants to meet and talk with other emerging and established scholars in the field of teacher education research about key aspects of transitioning to the academy, including publishing, navigating the job market, and different career trajectories.   To be eligible to apply, the applicant must be a paid member of Division K AND at least in their 3rd year of their Ed.D. or Ph.D. program. Applicants who have taken their qualifying exam or are working towards the dissertation (e.g., working on or defending a proposal, collecting dissertation data, etc.) are strongly encouraged to apply. Please submit to the chair a letter of application (no more than two single-spaced pages) that includes a description of: (a) a summary of the applicant’s research interests or dissertation research, including the problems/questions the applicant is interested in studying; (b) why the applicant’s  research interests are important to teaching and teacher education, (c) how does the applicant’s interests connect to existing theory and other research; (d) what stage in the dissertation process will the applicant be by the 2023 AERA Annual Meeting in April (e.g., qualifying exams, preparing dissertation proposal,  data collection, data analysis, or writing) and the name/email address of your advisor or dissertation chair; and (e) how the pre-conference seminar can support your work/what you hope the seminar can provide specific to your doctoral research project(s). 

Email application materials to the Chair: Nicol R. Howard, Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, University of Redlands (nicol_howard@redlands.edu) with the following subject line: Graduate Student Pre-Conference Seminar: Last Name First Name.


Borders within Yourself, Living on the Border The Liminal Space for Resisting in Teaching and Teacher Ed


Call for Campus Liaisons 2022-2023_Updated

2022 AERA Division K Business Meeting

2022 Division K Business Meeting

2022 AERA Division K VP Speaker Session

2022 Division K

2022 AERA Division K Symposium

2022 Division K

2022 AERA Division K Annual Meeting

2022 Division K

2022 AERA Division K Fireside Chat

2022 Division K Fireside Chat

2022 Division K GSEB Invited Session


2022 AERA Division K Annual Meeting

2022 Division K

2022 AERA Division K Annual Meeting

2022 Division K

From the Division Officers & VP...
In Memory: Professor Miriam Ben-Peretz

Dear Division K members:

Professor Miriam Ben-Peretz passed away in July, 2020 in Israel. 

Miriam was a long time invaluable member of Division K. She was the recipient for the 2012 AERA Division K Legacy Award for Teaching and Teacher Education. 

Professor F. Michael Connelly has composed a thoughtful and beautiful piece to remember Professor Miriam Ben-Peretz.

Div K Logo


Who We Are
Coming soon..
Graduate Student Executive Board
Awards & Recognition



2024 DIV K Exemplary Research in Teaching and Teacher Education -2





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