Ron Avi Astor had an op-ed published on November 6, 2015 in The Huffington Post's "L.A.'s Challenge to all Large U.S. Metropolitan Cities: Support Veterans' and Service Members' Children in Civilian Public Schools," about the steps large cities need to take in order to facilitate an easier transition for veterans into civilian life and show appreciation for the families' service to the U.S. Sarah Lubienski had an op-ed published on November 4, 2015 in The Washington Post's "What the drop in NAEP math scores tells us - about Common Core and NAEP," about about what the drop in math scores tell us about the Common Core State Standards. Douglas B. Larkin had an op-ed published on March 19, 2015 in NJ Spotlight's "Teachable Moments – Our Family's Real Reasons for Refusing the PARCC," on participating in PARCC exams. Patricia Alexander had an online article published on February 24, 2015 in Psychology Today's "A+ Students/C- Learners: Education’s Report Card," about the side effects for information management versus knowledge building. Flynn Ross had an op-ed published on February 19, 2015 in Bangor Daily News' "Don’t misuse standardized tests — lest they become meaningless," about the proper usage for standardized testing. Monica Taylor had an op-ed published on February 18, 2015 in's "Why I will not let my kids take PARCC tests," on her efforts to bring awareness to the realities of PARCC testing. Michael Phillips was interviewed for an article published on January 14, 2015 in The Australian's "Video critiques work for tutors and students" about his research on video assessment feedback. The research was also included in The Chronicle's "Could Video Feedback Replace the Red Pen?" Past President Linda Darling-Hammond and members Carol Burris, Viviane Robinson, and Helen S. Timperley made Education Week's list of "18 Women All K-12 Educators Should Know," published on January 4, 2015. Robert Kelchen was quoted in an article published on December 19, 2014 in Businessweek's "It's Really Hard to Rate Colleges, the Department of Education Says" about the Department of Education's framework for college rating systems. Ken Zeichner was interviewed for an article published on December 1, 2014 in's "How Do You Make a Great Teacher?" for his research on teacher preparation programs. Mitchell Chester was mentioned in an announcement distributed on October 7, 2014 in POLITICO Pro's "Education Whiteboard" for his appointment to the National Assessment Governing Board. Dorothy Espelage was interviewed for an article published on October 2, 2014 in The Rock River Times' "Study: More than 20 percent of middle school students experience inappropriate touching," about her research on the prevalence of sexual violence and harassment in classrooms. Kristen Renn was interviewed for an article published on September 30, 2014 in Inside Higher Ed's "Women's Colleges, Global Context," about the contemporary roles and future of single-sex higher education for women. Craig Hochbein had an op-ed published on August 26, 2014 in The Morning Calls's "Benefits, pitfalls of buying education like groceries," in which he considers school choice and the "educational marketplace." Marybeth Gasman, Andrés Castro Samayoa and Thai-Huy Nguyen had an article published on July 4, 2014 in The Hill's "Contextualizing performance-based funding: The case of Minority Serving Institutions," which calls to attention the importance of including Minority Serving Institutions in the conversation about performance-based metrics. Jyotsna Vaid was interviewed for an article published on July 1, 2014 in New York Magazine's column The Science of Us—"Explaining the Funny, Then Not Funny, Then Funny Again Joke"—about her work on the cognitive aspects of humor. Ron Avi Astor was interviewed for an article published on June 30, 2014 in Education World's "Bullying Prevention: Ron Avi Astor on Best Practices," on improving anti-bullying laws. William Penuel was mentioned in an article published on June 26, 2014 for Education Week: Inside School Research's "Why Don't Schools Use Education Research? New Center Aims to Find Out," for leading the new Institute of Education Sciences National Center for Research in Policy and Practice, tasked with studying how to make research work for schools. Tiffany Jones was interviewed for an article published on June 24, 2014 for Inside Higher Ed’s "Fighting for Survival,” about the challenges facing public HBCUs. Dr. Jones was interviewed about her recently published report, “Performance Funding at MSIs: Necessary Considerations and Possible Measures for State Performance Funding Policies.” David Conley was interviewed for an article published on June 24, 2014 for Education Week's "College Readiness Needs to Go Beyond Content to Skill Sets, Researcher Says," about his recently published article advocating for a "profile-based approach" to college readiness.
Andrew Koricich had his research paper “The Effects of Rurality on College Access and Choice" mentioned on April 11, 2014 in Education Week's “Rural Students Less Likely to Attend Four-year, Private, or Selective Colleges." Most recently, Koricich was quoted on June 19, 2014 in USA Today’s “States aim to boost college graduation rates."
AERA Members in the News is designed to offer members a chance to showcase recent features in the media and give other AERA members an opportunity to get to know them. If you are an AERA member and have had a letter to the editor or op-ed published, or you were quoted as an expert in a story for a regional, national, or international news outlet, please email with a link to the story.
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