For Immediate Release: February 25, 2015
Contact: Tony Pals, office: (202) 238-3235 cell: (202) 288-9333 Bridget Jameson, office: (202) 238-3233
AERA Announces 2015 Fellows
WASHINGTON, D.C., February 25, 2015 ─ The American Educational Research Association (AERA) has announced the selection of 23 scholars as 2015 AERA Fellows. AERA Fellows are selected on the basis of based on their notable and sustained research achievements. The 2015 Fellows, listed below, were nominated by their peers, selected by the AERA Fellows Committee, and approved by the AERA Council, the association’s elected governing body. They will be inducted on Friday, April 17, during the AERA 2015 Annual Meeting in Chicago, Ill. They join 579 current AERA Fellows.
“We are thrilled to honor these 23 scholars for their commitment to excellence in research and for their significant contributions to the field,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “AERA Fellows emphasize to new scholars the importance of sustained research of excellence and exemplify the highest professional standards.”
2015 AERA Fellows
About AERA The American Educational Research Association (AERA) is the largest national professional organization devoted to the scientific study of education. Founded in 1916, AERA advances knowledge about education, encourages scholarly inquiry related to education, and promotes the use of research to improve education and serve the public good. Find AERA on Facebook and Twitter.