In 1916, a group of educational researchers founded the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and the Review of Educational Research (RER) was launched 15 years later in 1931. RER has had an illustrious history, and the journal has published many seminal pieces over the course of its time in print. Currently in its 84th year, RER will be publishing Volume 86 in 2016, AERA’s centennial year. In honor of this important milestone, RER is issuing a call for 100-year reviews of educational literature. We recognize that there are many fields of educational research that do not have 100 years of literature, and in these fields we encourage reviews that summarize the research from the beginning of the field. We are hoping to publish several of these 100-year and “mega-reviews” in Volume 86 during 2016.
The manuscripts will undergo the same peer-review process as other manuscripts in the journal, and we encourage authors to use the two documents on the journal’s webpage—the RER Submissions Guidelines and the RER Formatting Requirements and Common Formatting Errors—in preparing their manuscripts for submission. For these mega-reviews only, we will accept up to a maximum of 80 pages (including title page, references, tables, figures), and authors should indicate in their letter with the submission that the manuscript is being submitted as a mega-review for the centennial year. For other reviews and meta-analyses, please note that there is still a 65-page limit. Please direct questions to Frank C. Worrell at Thanks for your attention, and we look forward to some of you joining us in the celebration of the 100th birthday of this great educational association.
Frank C. Worrell 2015-2016 Editor Review of Educational Research University of California, Berkeley