Research Funding Advocacy
Research Funding Advocacy
AERA Funding Priorities for FY 2024

AERA has joined the following statements and letters from its member coalitions on appropriations requests for agencies that support education research and statistics in FY 2025.

  • Census Project: $2 billion for the Census Bureau
  • Coalition for National Science Funding: $11.9 billion for the National Science Foundation (House | Senate)
  • Friends of IES: at least $900 million for the Institute of Education Sciences
  • Friends of Justice Research and Statistics: $135 million for the Research, Evaluation, and Statistics account within the Department of Justice budget, which includes at least $60 million for the National Institute of Justice and $75 million for the Bureau of Justice Statistics
  • Friends of NICHD: $1.891 billion for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, proportional to Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research request for $51.3 billion for the National Institutes of Health
  • Friends of NCHS: $220 million for the National Center for Health Statistics
  • Gun Violence Prevention Research Roundtable: $35 million for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), $25 million for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and $1 million for the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) to conduct public health research into firearm morbidity and mortality prevention
  • Invest in What Works Coalition: investments to support evidence-based policymaking, including $900 million for the Institute of Education Sciences top line

Past AERA Funding Priorities

Spotlighting Federally Funded Research

Coalition for National Science Funding 

AERA has showcased the benefits of members’ NSF-funded work on Capitol Hill through its affiliation with the Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF).

AERA Member Mimi Recker

2017 - AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine
with Tina Grotzer
2015 - Karin Wiburg discusses "Math Snacks" 
2014 - P. Karen Murphy discussing Quality Talk 
with Representative Chaka Fattah

2012 - William R. Penuel

2019 CNSF Exhibition
AERA member Mimi Recker, professor of instructional technology and learning sciences at Utah State University, participated in the 25th Annual Exhibition of the Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) on April 30. AERA’s exhibit booth featured Recker’s project, a research-practice partnership, which aims to advance middle school science learning through computing technologies. Read more

2018 CNSF Exhibition
Melissa Luna, Assistant Professor of Science Education at West Virginia University, presented preliminary findings from her NSF CAREER grant, ““Teachers’ Knowledge of Noticing Appalachian Students’ Thinking in Science.” Her exhibit included web-based interactive instructional materials used to guide teachers’ knowledge of noticing science, and show how teachers recognize student thinking in science and practice. Read more

2017 CNSF Exhibition
AERA member Tina Grotzer, Principal Research Scientist in Education and faculty member at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, presented demonstrations of the EcoXPT curriculum, which provides students a virtual world where they can use evidence to test hypotheses that lead to an understanding of causal interactions in biological ecosystems. EcoXPT is supported by the NSF Education and Human Research Directorate. Read more

2016 CNSF Exhibition
AERA member Sasha Barab, Pinnacle West Chair in Teacher Education and Professor, Future of Innovation in Society, at Arizona State University, presented two innovative projects at the Center for Games & Impact: Boone’s Meadow and STEM Mio. Both projects received funding support from the NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources.
2015 CNSF Exhibition
New Mexico State University researchers Karin Wiburg and Karen Trujillo presented Math Snacks, which are educational animations, mini-games, and interactive tools that help mid-school learners better understand math concepts.  The Math Snacks project is funded by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Education and Human Resources Directorate. Read more
2014 CNSF Exhibition
P. Karen Murphy (Pennsylvania State University) presented her research on Quality Talk Science, funded by the NSF’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources. Quality Talk provides professional development for physics and chemistry teachers in high-need schools in Pennsylvania. Read more

2012 CNSF Exhibition

“STEM Research and Education: Underpinning American Innovation” was the theme for the 2012 CNSF exhibition. Research presented by William R. Penuel (University of of Colorado Boulder) focused on the influence of digital tools on student science learning and teachers’ assessments. Read more

2011 CNSF Exhibition
“STEM Research and Education: Underpinning American Innovation” was the theme for 2011 CNSF event held in the Rayburn House Office Building. Research presented by Karen D. King, Ph.D. appropriately illustrated this theme and importantly underscored the significance of effective middle school mathematics teaching for student achievement. Read more

2010 CNSF Exhibition
AERA member Richard M. Ingersoll (University of Pennsylvania) featured his research, funded by the NSF’s Division of Education and Human Resources. His exhibit The Math and Science Teacher Shortage: What the Data Tell Us will ask the key question: Is there, or is there not, sufficient supply of math and science teachers in this country? Read more 

2014 - Save Science

2014 - Save Science

USA Science and Engineering Festival

AERA has joined numerous scientific, academic, and research organizations that provided exhibits at both the 2012 and 2014 USA Science & Engineering Festivals in Washington, D.C.

2014 USASEF Exhibition
The AERA exhibit featured SAVE Science, a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded project led by Diane Jass Ketelhut (University of Maryland). SAVE Science is a series of game-based modules that assess students’ knowledge of science through virtual environments. Read more


2012 USASEF ExhibitionThe AERA exhibit featured the research program of learning scientist and AERA Fellow Yasmin Kafai (University of Pennsylvania), whose work uses technology, media, and games to teach creative problem solving. Read more




NICHD 50th-Anniversary Event on Capitol Hill

AERA Highlights, August 2012

Jacquelynne Eccles, research scientist and professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, represented AERA as she showcased her research at the 50th-anniversary exhibit of the Friends of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (FNICHD). Eccles’ display was entitled “Developing Interest in Math and Sports: Family Influences.” Read more

Eccles speaks with Dr. Alan Guttmacher, NICHD director, and other attendees.

Eccles and AERA Executive Director  
Felice Levine


About Research Funding Advocacy

As part of various coalitions, AERA seeks to increase federal investment in education research specifically and in the social and behavioral sciences broadly.

The pipelines through which federal research funding in education and the social and behavioral sciences include:

  • Department of Education
    - Institute of Education Sciences

  • National Science Foundation
    - Education and Human Resources (EHR) Directorate
    - Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) Directorate

  • National Institutes for Health
    - Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)